Now available at Smashwords for only $3.99, Crisis On Sandar, the second book in the Keestu Ranell trilogy, part of the Union novel series.
Here's an excerpt:
Hemda's voice broke the shocked silence that followed these
revelations. "Esplosion confirmed
high o'er the middle of Eastique!"
She had stayed at her post to monitor the incoming reports while Ismer
addressed the extended family.
"'Nother o'er Southern.
"Westique military reports tree military flitters
chasin' a spacecraft inland!" A
moment later, she blanched, her voice trembling with reaction. "Westique military flitters have gone
off air in mid transmission."
She took several breaths to steady herself while listening
to more reports on the military channel before continuing. "Eastern ground control reports
esplosion o'er the Midrange Mountains, with the military flitters crash landin'
'fore inerception.
"Westique capital ground control is on! Esplosion high o'er that continent as
"Are there any damage reports yet, Hemda?" Ismer was tense.
She answered after looking over the updates scrolling across
her console. "Not yet." She
pressed a hand over one ear so she could concentrate on what was being
reported. "CeCe reports a
spacecraft incomin' high o'er the border between the seventh and fifth
baronies! Military fighters have been
scrambled from Enforcer but are still out of range, so our local military
flitters are to fire on it in four, tree, two, one, fire!"
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